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Make a DOnation

Northeast VOSH is a Rhode Island based charitable organization. One hundred percent of all donations go directly to providing care to the needy on our missions. We have no paid officers or members. Volunteers pay their own travel, room, and board expenses, except a handful of sponsored students each mission. Donations can be made by clicking the Donate Button below, or by mail to Northeast VOSH at 191 America Way, Jamestown RI 02835.

Financial contributions to Northeast VOSH, a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, are deductible for computing income and estate taxes. If your employer offers a matching gifts program, please investigate the opportunity to increase your impact and help direct your employer's donations.


Make a $600 donation which will make it possible for us to bring a medical, dental or optometric student on the next mission. This is an opportunity to help expose a professional school student to volunteerism at an impressionable point in their career. It is possible to co-sponsor if desired. You will receive correspondence and mission photographs from the student you sponsor. Many of our current doctor members came to us through the Sponsor-A-Student program.